the battery got to my house after about 12 days, the replacement is easy to do thanks to the online video.
John Baird
Do better.
Dissappointing experience
I recently purchased a replacement battery for my vacuum, hoping to restore its functionality. Unfortunately, this battery has been nothing but a disappointment. From the start, it refused to hold a charge properly. After fully charging it, I noticed that my vacuum started making an unusual noise, accompanied by a sequence of three groups of four beeps.
When I tried to use the vacuum, it only ran for about 30 seconds before shutting down completely. Despite following all the instructions and troubleshooting tips, the battery simply doesn't perform as expected. It’s frustrating because I was looking forward to getting my vacuum back in working order, but this battery has proven to be more of a problem than a solution. I would not recommend this battery to anyone dealing with a similar issue.
Brian Randall
Have yet to receive the battery
Ordered the replacement battery 2 weeks ago, and it is yet to be shipped.